Release and Rise Retreat



A 1 day immersive retreat for business owners to RELEASE 'hustle' and overwhelm to RISE into your next level of confidence, clients, and cash flow!



Release and Rise Retreat


An immersive, 1-day retreat for business owners to RELEASE hustle and overwhelm to RISE into your next level of confidence, clients, and cash flow!



 Join us for this Life-changing Event Starting In...









 Featured in:

It's time to STOP Hustling to Scale to Your Next Level...!

It's allowed to be EASIER...


I know you’re a passionate entrepreneur/business owner wanting to scale your profitable business, calling in more clients + cash flow. 

And you want these results WITHOUT having to hustle and burn yourself out.

Trust me, I know you're busy.

You wear multiple hats every day. Mom. Wife. Business Owner.

You do it all - work, workouts, running your kids to soccer practice, and growing your business. 

But it seems like there is never enough TIME to fit everything in.

Every day you have a smile on - but under the surface, you’re struggling trying to manage it all. 

And if you’re being completely honest with yourself...

Despite all of your hard work, you're not seeing the results reflected in your client load or cash flow.

Right now you’re thinking that TIME is your bigger block to scaling your business.

You’re thinking that you just need to…

  •     Learn how to manage your time better to have an optimal work-life balance, 
  •     Master a strategy to time block so you can fit everything in,
  •     Work harder, hustle, and do MORE to make your business profitable,
  •     Take a vacation to the beach, get a massage, or try some new self-care routines to have more energy

But no matter what new solution you try, you still find yourself feeling depleted,  exhausted, and stuck at the same income level.

Here’s what you’re NOT (yet) seeing that’s tripping you up… (IT’S NOT TIME MANAGEMENT.)

Lack of time is just a topical SYMPTOM of a deeper ROOT CAUSE of what’s happening under the surface.

What's ACTUALLY tripping you up are the self-sabotage/ protective patterns draining your energy and keeping you STUCK at your current income level.

The self-sabotage/protective patterns of…

…Over-giving, over-committing, and packing your schedule so you’re constantly in a state of overwhelm (so you don’t have to feel the uncomfortable feelings under the surface),

…Overwhelm and anxiety – gripping onto control to stay safe because you don’t fully trust others to support you (so you feel like you HAVE to do everything yourself), 

…Unworthiness, shame, and guilt keeping you small so you don’t rock the boat or get criticized or judged (bc deep down you don’t feel you’re worthy of receiving more success, clients, and abundance), 

…People pleasing – being everything to everyone, saying YES as your needs fade to the background, taking a back seat (you do this to stay safe so other people don’t get mad at you). 


Here’s the truth…

Nothing will shift in your life until you transform what is happening on the INSIDE…then your OUTER reality follows suit.

AND if you’re in a state of overwhelm, there is no SPACE to hold more ENERGY (money, clients, opportunities.)

When you RELEASE the vicious cycles, energy drains, and patterns keeping you STUCK and start REDIRECTING YOUR ENERGY to High Return on Energy Tasks...

you naturally RISE into more power, confidence, and freedom…

…which 🔑UNLOCKS more spaciousness to HOLD the clients and cash waiting for you!

It's allowed to be easier...

 What I KNOW you want (and what will REALLY help you have capacity for more clients + cash flow) is to RELEASE...

  • Deep subconscious beliefs holding you back and rewiring your brain and body to BECOME the Queen of your business so you’re scaling, launching, and leading from ease, spaciousness, and flow,
  • Time drains and energy leaks keeping you stuck swirling in self-doubt and lower income levels…so you can ELEVATE into new levels of wealth, self-expression, and leadership!
  • Negative self-sabotage patterns keeping you in vicious cycles of people pleasing, perfectionism, and unworthiness…so you can feel worthy to RECEIVE more clients and cash flow!
  • Overwhelm and anxiety so you’re able to have the energy and capacity to grow your business, be fully present with your family, and even feel safe to RELAX!

This is what’s on the table for you to say YES to as you step into The Release and Rise Retreat!

It's time to get a loving reflection of where your time is really going so that you can call back your energy so you can make empowered, conscious choices to move forward.

Here's what I want you to know...

You don’t have to figure this out alone anymore.

At The Release and Rise Retreat, you'll connect with women who will support you as you grow!

The Release and Rise Retreat is where you come to receive the INNER shifts and OUTER Practical Strategies to RISE into your next level of income and impact! 

As A Result Of Joining Us

At The Release and Rise Retreat  You’ll...

October 12, 2024 9AM-3PM

Scale Your Business with Practical  Strategies

Receive the INNER shifts and OUTER practical strategies to scale your profitable business to the next level!

You'll experience deep transformation to release self-sabotage so you can quickly take your IDEAS to IMPLEMENTATION and start calling in more cash flow!

Get ready for BIG breakthroughs and transformation!

Accelerate Your Path Forward

Get proven step-by-step strategies so you can laser-focus on unlocking your healing gifts while turning your passion into profit to build a sustainable business based on YOUR skills and interests.

You'll learn timeless transformation tools and practical business strategies you'll use for years to come!

You'll create MASSIVE shifts in your energy to open you up to RECEIVE abundance, ease, and flow! 

Connect & Grow
With Your Peers

Connect with a high-quality network of entrepreneurs that will support you as you grow your business for the long haul!

As busy healers and moms, we need spaces where we can feel safe to HEAL and CONNECT.

Think of The Release and Rise Retreat as a Business Incubator - you'll be leaving with fresh, new ideas you can implement as well as lifelong friends to grab coffee or collaborate with!

Receive Personalized Guidance + Coaching

Get your most pressing entrepreneurial questions answered during the breakout sessions - you'll have laser-focused guidance on your next steps!

Learn to translate your healing gifts into tangible profitable offers, products, and services you can sell right away!


Heal Your Nervous System to Hold More Clients + Cash Flow

Come to build a solid, sustainable foundation for your business and leave with an actionable plan that you'll use for years to come.

This retreat is INTERACTIVE - you'll be up engaging with Dr. Christina, the attendees, and moving through powerful embodiment practices to seal in the transformative work. 

Feel Empowered to Take Action & Implement!

This isn't just a 'feel good' inspirational retreat where you'll sit filling out journal prompts, take notes, and leave without a practical plan. ;)

You'll leave The Release and Rise Retreat feeling confident, empowered, and with a TANGIBLE action plan to IMPLEMENT all you’ve learned.

 Join us for The Release and Rise Retreat Happening In...










Here’s your chance to receive the coaching and guidance you need to skyrocket your confidence, clients, and cash flow!

It’s time to Release Burn Out and RISE into Your Next Level of Success!

October 12, 2024 9AM-3PM




Snag your Early Bird Ticket and bring a friend or business buddy for free!


What's included in your ticket?

  • Access to the 1-day Live retreat where you'll receive the INNER work + practical business STRATEGIES to scale for years to come!
  • Interactive Sessions on entrepreneurship, transformation, profitability principles, leadership, and more to quickly monetize your ideas and implement them right away in your business!
  • VIP Welcome bag packed with gift certificates, discounts from local businesses, and surprise goodies to support your health, well-being, and business!
  • A FREE Physical Copy of Dr. Christina's 5th book with Digital BONUS Trainings and Scale Your Profitable Business Workbook filled with energetic management tools, money mindset prompts, practical business strategies and support resources to skyrocket your income and impact! 
  • Delicious Healthy Lunch + Snacks with Intentional Networking Opportunities - You'll have multiple chances to connect with new business contacts and collaborate to grow your business in 2024 and beyond! 
  • A Deep Dive, Post-Retreat group coaching session on High Return On Energy activities to Scale Your Business to seal in the work from the event and lay the strong foundation for your next steps (and leaps) forward!
  • And so much more that you'll ONLY experience at the LIVE event!

What Past Retreat Attendees Are Saying!


Who is it for?


The Release and Rise Retreat Is For The Person Who...


  • Knows there's a better way to do business without hustling, burning out or getting overwhelmed
  • Is ready to take your IDEAS to IMPLEMENTATION


  • Is going to play full out to get transformation to finally build a sustainable business. You're ready to help others AND support yourself and your family.


  • Is ready to face-off with yourself to release what's no longer working so you can step into the confident, successful business owner / healer / entrepreneur you're meant to be.


  • Is open-minded! You're ready to think outside the box to become the empowered leader who operates from ease, flow, and FUN!


Who is it not for?


The Release and Rise Retreat Is NOT For The Person Who Is...


  • Complacent and fine with "business as usual" because change just feels too hard / scary. 


  • Not open to new ways of thinking and wants to stay in your comfort zone. 


  • A "Burnout hero" who take pride in how busy they are.


  • Too uncomfortable to face what's not working and would rather avoid it.


  • Going to sit in the back of the room and take notes but not actually implement. 


Here's a Taste of What You'll Experience At this Transformative 1-Day Event!

A highly anticipated event with proven strategies and transformation to accelerate your path to greater profitability and impact. 

This value-packed event will leave you equipped with knowledge and tools to take your business to the next level!

*Schedule/Topics subject to change.

October 12, 2024 9AM-3PM



8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Registration + Arrival

Arrive at the venue to connect and grab coffee before we start!

Pick up your VIP Welcome bag and complimentary Elevating into Entrepreneurship book and enjoy intentional networking time as you get settled in for the retreat! 


9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Session No. 1:
"Releasing Self-sabotage to Rise into More Clients + Cash Flow"


10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Break + Intentional Networking


10:30 AM - 12 PM
Session No. 2:
"Magnetic Marketing: Owning Your Brilliance to Magnetize Your Soul Clients"

12 PM - 1 PM
Group Lunch


1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Session No. 3:

"Energetic Efficiency + Systems: Creating the PRISTINE foundation to Scale Your Profitable Business"



1:45 PM - 2 PM
Break + Intentional Networking


2 PM - 3 PM - Closing Session

Session No. 4: 

"Crafting Your Profitable Product Suite: Strategically Diversifying Your Income"

You'll also receive support AFTER the event and get access to a Post-Retreat group coaching session on High ROE Activities to Scale Your Business to lay the strong foundation for your next steps (and leaps) forward!


 Let's do the damn thing! Join us for Release and Rise!









Join us in Pittsburgh to...

Experience The Release and Rise Retreat in an intimate setting in Mars, PA!

October 12, 2024

Experience Rapid Transformation at This Beautiful  Location!



170 Scharberry Lane, Mars, PA 16046


Tucked away in the heart of Pittsburgh North, you'll feel safe and supported in this space to create BIG breakthroughs to wrap up Q4 with more confidence, clients, and cash flow!

Join us in Pittsburgh to...

Experience The Release and Rise Retreat in an intimate setting in Mars, PA!

October 12, 2024

Experience Rapid Transformation at This Beautiful  Location!



170 Scharberry Lane, Mars, PA 16046


Tucked away in the heart of Pittsburgh North, you'll feel safe and supported in this space to create BIG breakthroughs to wrap up Q4 with more confidence, clients, and cash flow!


Here’s your chance to connect with a high quality network and receive the guidance you need to take your business to the next level!

It’s time to Release and RISE into more confidence, clients, and cash flow!

October 12, 2024 from 9AM-3PM




Snag your Early Bird Ticket and bring a friend or business buddy for free!


What's included in your ticket?

  • Access to the 1-day Live retreat where you'll receive the INNER work + practical business STRATEGIES to scale for years to come!
  • Interactive Sessions on entrepreneurship, transformation, profitability principles, leadership, and more to quickly monetize your ideas and implement them right away in your business!
  • VIP Welcome bag packed with gift certificates, discounts from local businesses, and surprise goodies to support your health, well-being, and business!
  • A FREE Physical Copy of Dr. Christina's 5th book with Digital BONUS Trainings and Scale Your Profitable Business Workbook filled with energetic management tools, money mindset prompts, practical business strategies and support resources to skyrocket your income and impact! 
  • Delicious Healthy Lunch + Snacks with Intentional Networking Opportunities - You'll have multiple chances to connect with new business contacts and collaborate to grow your business in 2024 and beyond! 
  • A Post-Retreat group coaching session on High Return On Energy activities to Scale Your Business to seal in the work from the event and lay the strong foundation for your next steps (and leaps) forward!
  • And so much more that you'll ONLY experience at the LIVE event!
I see you...

And I KNOW that you don’t want to...


Spend another year taking one step forward and two steps back feeling stuck, Keep delaying your dreams, putting yourself last, hoping something will change.

Continue pretending that you're OK tolerating the status quo, wanting to get paid for your passion AND have plenty of time with your family!

NOW is the time for you to say YES to...


  • Learn exactly how to build your sustainable, profitable business.
  • Take your idea to implementation, accelerating your path to scaling your profitable business!
  • Joining a solid network that will support you every step of the way.
  • The confidence to actually go for your dreams!

Get ready for BIG shifts, breakthroughs, and transformation at this powerful 1 day event where you’ll be… 


…Forming life-long connections with other moms who GET you and want to support YOU,

…Busting through blocks keeping you stuck so you can reclaim your power and energy to skyrocket into new levels of success,

…Creating breakthroughs in every area of your life so you can elevate into more confidence, self-worth, and power,

…Witnessed and loved to release old programming, outdated identities and stories of who you’ve been…

So you can RISE into who you’re meant to be and scale your profitable business while still feeling fulfilled as a mom. 

It’s time to RISE, Queen. Let’s do the damn thing! 


About Christina Fontana & The Release and Rise Retreat

Hi there! I'm Christina!

In 2019, I quit my retail pharmacy job and never looked back. I thought that all I needed was marketing help, a strategic plan, and a business coach.

That worked well for a while and I called in a couple of new clients, but soon after that, I hit a frustrating plateau.

It wasn’t until several months later that I figured out the KEY piece that was missing - the INNER transformation work. I needed BOTH the outer practical strategy AND the inner transformation to sky-rocket my income and impact.

Once I had the practical strategy AND released the unworthiness programming, anxiety/control patterns, and rigidity I was holding in my body and energy, I quickly replaced my pharmacy income in a matter of 8 short months.

Four years later, I scaled my business to 7 figures. Your dream to build a business isn’t just a desire…it’s POSSIBLE.

At The Release and Rise Retreat, you'll be creating BIG breakthroughs in every area of your life to RISE into more purpose, power, and prosperity!!

Get ready for the magic that awaits you at The Release and Rise Retreat!

About Christina Fontana
& The Release and Rise Retreat

Hi there! I'm Christina!

In 2019, I quit my retail pharmacy job and never looked back. I thought that all I needed was marketing help, a strategic plan, and a business coach.

That worked well for a while and I called in a couple of new clients, but soon after that, I hit a frustrating plateau.

It wasn’t until several months later that I figured out the KEY piece that was missing - the INNER transformation work. I needed BOTH the outer practical strategy AND the inner transformation to sky-rocket my income and impact.

Once I had the practical strategy AND released the unworthiness programming, anxiety/control patterns, and rigidity I was holding in my body and energy, I quickly replaced my pharmacy income in a matter of 8 short months.

Four years later, I scaled my business to 7 figures. Your dream to build a business isn’t just a desire…it’s POSSIBLE.

This inner transformation + practical strategy is exactly what you’ll be moving through at this Release and Rise Retreat!

Get ready for the magic!
Got Questions? Ask Away!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Have Questions?

We are happy to help answer them!

Please email Dr. Christina's assistant, Priscillal - [email protected] and we will be happy to answer any of your additional questions!

We are here to support you from the moment you click "Sign Up" to well after the event!

 Join us for The Release and Rise Retreat Happening In...










Here's your chance to receive step-by-step expert guidance and proven strategies to confidently scale your profitable, SUSTAINABLE business! 

It’s time to Turn your GIFTS to GOLD!

October 12, 2024




Snag your Early Bird Ticket and bring a friend or business buddy for free!


What's included in your ticket?

  • Access to the 1-day Live retreat where you'll receive the INNER work + practical business STRATEGIES to scale for years to come!
  • Interactive Sessions on entrepreneurship, transformation, profitability principles, leadership, and more to quickly monetize your ideas and implement them right away in your business!
  • VIP Welcome bag packed with gift certificates, discounts from local businesses, and surprise goodies to support your health, well-being, and business!
  • A FREE Physical Copy of Dr. Christina's 5th book with Digital BONUS Trainings and Scale Your Profitable Business Workbook filled with energetic management tools, money mindset prompts, practical business strategies and support resources to skyrocket your income and impact! 
  • Delicious Healthy Lunch + Snacks with Intentional Networking Opportunities - You'll have multiple chances to connect with new business contacts and collaborate to grow your business in 2024 and beyond! 
  • A Deep Dive, Post-Retreat group coaching session on High Return On Energy activities to Scale Your Business to seal in the work from the event and lay the strong foundation for your next steps (and leaps) forward!
  • And so much more that you'll ONLY experience at the LIVE event!